Feline Club of India

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Feline Club of India in association with Zoetis brought an educational session on "Basic Feline Orthopaedic” by Dr. Ramesh Jangra


Feline Club of India in association with Zoetis bought a vet panel discussion about Ear mites and basics of cat keeping especially for the region of South Maharashtra.

Our expert Dr. Kunal Dev Sharma spoke about prevention, management, Subtypes of Diarrhea, reasons and how to come to the conclusion as to what is exactly going wrong in your cat's Intestine.

FCI and ZOETIS brought an educational session about "VACCINATION : STEPPING STONE FOR HEALTHIER LIFE''where Dr. Pratik Pawar discussed Importance of vaccination Exact schedule and cycle, How vaccination works, Infectious diseases, Prevention of deadly viruses and Zoonotic diseases.

Our speaker Dr.Anisha Tiwari enlightened us about prevention and control of ecto and endo parasitic infestation(external and internal), Prevention of feline heartworm disease, Treatment and control of intestinal parasitic infection, Prevention and treatment of various feline parasitic skin diseases.


Feline Club of India organized this webinar to understand cats behavior, their needs and basics of running a foster home for Cats. Our speaker was Dr.Deepa Katyal.

Feline Club of India in association with presented a Virtual Cat Show. Our judges were Tuti Iskandar from Indonisia and Rosario Maria Mendoza Santana from Spain.

FCI and Zoetis presented an educative session on Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) In Cats, where our expert, Dr. Kunal Dev Sharma discussed its prevention, management and transmission.


FCI in association with Royal Canin organized an exclusive session about Persian Cats. Our expert Miss. Napon Punsuvan from Thailand shared her insights on color divisions, appearance and nutrition requirements of Persians.

FCI & Whiskas organized an educative session on FELINE EYE INFECTION, where in our expert Dr. Naranda Chouhan discussed cat eye discharge, common eye problems, eye conditions, etc.

FCI & Zoetis hosted a Veterinary and Expert Panel Discussion on FELINE INFECTIOUS DISEASES. The topics discussed were why is there not much awareness around rabies in cats, FIP and FIV in cats, importance of vaccination, preventative testing and periodic health check ups, genetic problems, zoonotic aspects, modes of transmission etc


On the occasion of international cat day, we hosted online contests for our pet lovers and their pets. We organized 5 photo/video contests with a virtual cat show.

FCI and Zoetis bought an educational session on "IMPORTANCE OF VACCINATION & DEWORMING IN CATS" where Dr. Pratik Pawar discussed Importance of vaccination and deworming, exact schedule and cycle, how vaccination and deworming works, infectious diseases, prevention of deadly viruses, zoonotic disease, etc.

FCI in association with Whiskas organized a webinar on the prevalent problem of fungal infections in cats where Dr. Madhavi Awale spoke about types of infections, management of fungal infection, managing infections in a multiple cat home, impact of stress, environment on infection, zoonotic impact of dermatophytosis, etc.


FCI in association with Farmina Pet Foods organized another educational session for cat parents, where Dr.Anish Pillai spoke about prevention, management of urinary stones in cats and how nutrition plays a vital role in managing the condition of urinary stones.

FCI in association with WHISKAS @whiskasindia celebrates cat keeping with families whose lives revolve around cats. We interacted with some lovely families and got to know what role their cats play in their lives.

FCI in association with Farmina Pet Foods organized a panel discussion on Nutritional Management for Critical Care in Cats. The experts discussed the nutritional requirement in cats facing various issues like gut health, urinary health, obesity, nutrition for indoor cats and a lot more.


Feline club of India in association with Whiskas presents "Cats : The real celebrity" with our super star, mother of cats, Jui Gadkari (Indian Television Actress).

FCI in association with ROYAL CANIN presented an educational session by Dr. Leila Fernandez who discussed prevention and management of Urinary Tract Infection in cats.

The veterinarians here discussed the evolution of the pet food industry based on nutrition, science and research, prescription diet, impact of urbanization, e-commerce and covid, and what is the future of cat nutrition.


Feline club of India in association with Farmina Pet Foods organized an online webinar for spreading awareness and education purposes. Dr.Anish Pillai will be discussed on FOOD ALLERGIES IN CATS.


Due to lockdown we shifted our conventions to social media platforms making it available to everyone. Dr. Amir discussed the most common problem with all the cat parents, Skin Infection in cat’s specifically CAT RINGWORM.

Mr. Fadly discussed basics of cat grooming and cat webinaring in cat webinars.Mr. Fadly joined CFA 6 years ago and registered his Cattery under the name "Mizu Cattery''

The topic discussed were as follows: Urinary Tract Infections in Cats: Prevention and Management. Our honorable speaker was Dr. Ranjitha Tiwari, who is a small Animal Practitioner.


Dr. Deepa Katyal discussed pain in a sensory and emotional experience and how it affects your cats too. Dr. Deepa Katyal is a leading veterinarian practitioner in Mumbai, INDIA.

Dr. Rina Dev discussed a very crucial topic, why neutering in cats is important and its health benefits to cats and you as a cat parent.

Dr Vishal Dangle discussed a very crucial topic, the proper nutrition your cat needs at different stages of life.


Dr. Anish Pillai discussed a very crucial topic, obesity management in cats. He offered vast knowledge on the subject.

FCI in association with Pet Fed hosted a live discussion on basic cat keeping of cats. Mr.Saquib Pathan was our speaker for this session.

Dr. Anisha Tiwari discussed a very crucial topic, Pruritus that is itching in cats: Parasite, Infections and Allergy.


Mr. Bobby Wankhede imparted his valuable knowledge about Persian cats and their breeding in India in today’s world.

Feline Club of India and DogSpot in association with Orange Pet Nutrition hosted a live session with Mr. Mark Frampton who discussed a very crucial topic,that is, the importance of wet food in cats.

Our topic for this live session was The Inside Story of Body's Most Underrated Organ. Our speaker was Dr. Dhananjay Pandit who is a veterinarian with more than 20 years of experience.


Feline Club of India went LIVE on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube with Chloe Chung talking about Breed Orientation - British Shorthair.

FCI hosted a live session with Mr. Fadly Fuad (Indonesia), talking about the breed standards of a Maine coon, color patterns, grooming tips, etc.

FCI went live with Nupon Punsuvan. With some exciting facts about our most loved breed, our expert from Thailand shared some insights on Persians.


FCI hosted a live talk about dental care for cats with Dr. Vinod Sharma, who discussed the minute details that are ignored about cat's dental health and diseases arising due to it.

FCI hosted a live talk about Breed Orientation: Bengal with Rosario Maria Mendoza Santana, who is the owner of ETNIKA cattery based in Bali Indonesia since 2017

The Virtual Cat Show was a fun event which was completely online with live judging. As part of the celebration, we also hosted a live talk with 2 speakers talking about Checklists for your kitten/cat, Introducing your kitten or a cat to the new habitat, what to know before getting a cat, etc. We also had a talk about cats with cat parents, a live quiz contest along with Interaction with leading vets over the week and on 8th August, India’s first Virtual Cat Show.


Dr. Pratik Pawar discussed the importance of vaccinations for cats, vaccination cycle and more. These are such topics that every cat owner must know.

Feline Club of India in association with Whiskas presents a dialogue with leading Veterinarians like Dr. Pawan Kumar, Dr. Onkar Pawaskar, Prof. Utpal Tatu, Dr. Leila Fernandez, Dr. Baranidharan GR.

FCI in association with Whiskas India presented, Identify Emergencies in Felines, wherein our speaker Dr.Kunal Dev Sharma talked about the importance of identifying signs that your cat webinars in early stages for timely diagnosis and treatment.


Feline Club of India in association with Whiskas organized a Special interaction with kids. An interactive session with children (5-12years) who grew up around cats.

Feline Club of India in association with Whiskas brings an interaction with Celebrity cat parents Resham Tipnis and Shivani Surve.

In an auspicious celebration on Diwali, FCI hosted contests for pets and pet owners to make it even more fun for them. FCI announced 5 picture contests and the winners were awarded with gifts.


FCI in association with Whiskasan conducted an educative session about "CHRONIC DIARRHEA". Our expert Dr. Pawan Kumar spoke about prevention, management and reasons for the same.

Feline Club of India in association with Farmina Pet Foods bought you a Live Quiz Contest to check your knowledge about felines.

FCI in association with WHISKAS presents THE PURR-FECT FAMILY. It was an interactive session with families whose lives revolve around cats.


FCI in association with FARMINA PET FOODS presents "Finale 2020 Virtual Cat Show" with two international judges, Mrs. Rosario Maria Mendoza Santana from Spain and Sein Abdul from Malaysia.

It was a free session addressed by Dr.Vivek Arora and Mitu Paul, also followed by a question answer session. The topic was UTI and hair fall problems in felines.

FCI in association with DIBAQ PET CARE hosted an educative session on BENEFITS OF NEUTERING CATS AND OBESITY MANAGEMENT, addressed by Dr. Vivek Arora and Mitu Paul.


The Food Processing Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) organized a WEBINAR ON PET FOOD INDUSTRY - UNLEASHING OPPORTUNITIES & KEY CHALLENGES.

FCI in association with WHISKAS planned an interactive session, THE PURRFECT FAMILY, wherein people share their real life experiences, their bond with cats, the joy their cats bring in their life, etc.

FCI in association with FARMINA PET FOODS hosted a Virtual Cat Show. Spectators from all over India were present to support and cheer for their favorite cat and breed. Our judges were Tuti Iskandar from Indonesia and Pau Badia from Spain.


Abandoned Dog's In Cage

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Raised : $179.000

Goal : $259.000

Homeless Street Cat

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Raised : $116.000

Goal : $149.000

Animal Shelter Homes

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Raised : $219.000

Goal : $275.000


Abandoned Hamster

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Raised : $112.000

Goal : $149.000


Rabbit Shelter

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Raised : $136.000

Goal : $159.000


Animal Food

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Raised : $201.000

Goal : $238.000

Fun Fact Must You Know

You Have The Power To Change Tomorrow

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Successful Rescue

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Expert Volunteer

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“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

Anatole France

Let's Help Us

Our Fundraising For Animal Welfare

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Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday

08.00 AM - 19.00 PM



Denpasar, Bali

Kuta, Bali